HB Consulting News and Events

Proud Contributor

Honored to contribute to ATD’s Handbook for Consultants. Check out my chapter (Chapter 25) to discover “6 Keys to Writing a Winning Business Proposal”…

ATD Blog | April 2024

Check out my blog on “5 Essentials for Better Change Management”

Proud Contributor

Honored to contribute to ATD’s Handbook for Consultants. Check out my chapter (Chapter 25) to discover “6 Keys to Writing a Winning Business Proposal”…


Excited to be part of ATD 2024 as a speaker in the Change Management track! Join me for my May 22nd session “From Exhaustion to Engagement” to discover tips, tools, and strategies for combating change fatigue and burnout. Hope to see you in New Orleans!

Feb 2024 Guest | ATD Podcast

Excited to be a featured guest on the Accidental Trainer podcast, where I spoke about Change Fatigue.

Judge | Talent Trailblazers

Happy to participate as a Judge for the 2023 Talent Trailblazer awards sponsored by Talent Management. Inspired by the outstanding achievements of emerging TD leaders!


Looking forward to joining Northcentral Technical College on Jan 23rd & 25th as a facilitator for the “Manager as Coach” series in their Workforce Training & Professional Development program. New leaders and middle managers want more training on how to coach and give feedback. Organizations that develop coaching skills with their managers show greater leadership…

Jan 2024 TD Magazine Article

Check out my article on “Combating Change Fatigue”

CLO Article | Sept.

Check out my recent article about Upskilling for CLO Magazine.

ATD’s OD Handbook | Proud Contributor

Proud contributor to the Change Management Chapter in ATD’s OD Handbook. Pre-order at: https://www.td.org/book/atds-organization-development-handbook