HB Consulting


April | Speaker “Team Resilience”

Excited to join ATD Sacramento as a speaker on “Building Team Resilience” during the 2021...

Member | Forbes Coaches Council

Honored to be invited as a 2021 Member of the Forbes Coaches Council!

June | Speaker

Looking forward to speaking about “Building Resilience” at the OD Network virtual conference in June!

Speaker | ATD International Conference

Excited to speak about “Boosting Change Immunity with a Resilient Learning Organization” during ATDs International...

Oct. Speaker | SAHRA 2021 Conference

Looking forward to speaking about Team Resilience with over 300 HR professionals within the Sacramento...

15 Ways To Keep Company Culture Intact When Key Leaders Depart

Leaders play a key role in creating, communicating and maintaining a company’s culture. The longer...

Four Ways Leaders Can Build Team Resilience

Holly Burkett, PhD, SPHR is an accomplished executive coach, speaker, author and principal at Evaluation...
AtTD Association Logo

Managing the Learn Amid the Churn – ATD Links (December 2017)

Help your learning department weather the test of time and build sustainable value. ATD Links...
People Working

Mining Talent Data for Strategic HR Clout – HRCI Guest Blog

Check out my July guest blog In a hypercompetitive market for knowledge workers, CEOs are...

Reinvent Your Onboarding Process- HRCI Guest Blog

Whatever form onboarding takes in your workplace, it is one of the most important contributions...